For this test, a small amount of radioactive compound is added to a cooked egg and placed in a sandwich for ingestion. A different compound is then added to a small cup of water, which is drunk after the sandwich. A specialised camera is then used to take pictures (scans) of your stomach.
Take all your usual medications unless advised by your physician.
You should fast from midnight the night before the commencement of the test. Please inform the technologist when booking the appointment if you have any food allergies or intolerances.
Images will be taken over two hours.
After the test is explained to you, a technologist will take you to the scanning area. You will be given the sandwich to eat and the radiolabelled water to drink, and then a set of pictures will be taken. Images will continue to be taken for the next two hours.
There are no side effects or reactions from the radiolabelled compound you have ingested. The procedure itself is entirely painless. There is no need to hold your breath during the test.
The test is usually not performed in pregnant women, so please inform us before the test begins if you know that you are (or think you might be) pregnant.
You can drive home after the scan. You will not be drowsy in any way.
Generally, the scans and results are sent to your doctor the next working day.
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