The test involves injecting a small amount of a radioactive compound that binds to the calcium and phosphate in your bones.
A specialised camera is then used to take pictures of your skeleton.
There is no need to fast for any part of the bone scan.
Take all your usual medications.
The first part of the test takes approximately 10-15 minutes, where you will be given an injection into a vein. Depending on the reason for the scan, you may have pictures taken straight after the injection.
You will then be asked to return between 1.5-3 hours later for the second part of the scan. The scan itself takes about 30 – 45 minutes, depending on the extent and type of bone scan required. The technologist will give you an indication of the likely time your scan may take on the day.
During the first part of the test (which takes about 10-15 minutes), you will be given an injection into a vein (usually near the elbow). Depending on the reason for the scan, you may have pictures taken straight after the injection. You will then be asked to return between 1.5-3 hours later for the second part of the scan. The scan itself takes about 30 – 45 minutes, depending on the extent and type of bone scan required. (The technologist will give you an indication of the likely time your scan may take on the day).
You are free to leave the hospital between the first and second parts of the scan. You may eat and drink as you wish.
There are no side effects or reactions with the injection. The injection does NOT contain iodine and is, therefore, safe to give if you have had a previous allergic reaction to contrast injections. Although you will be required to keep still during the scan, the procedure is entirely painless. There is no need to hold your breath during the test.
The test is usually not performed in pregnant women, so please inform us before the test begins if you know that you are (or think you might be) pregnant.
You can drive home after the scan. You will not be drowsy in any way.
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